
JavaScript - Autocomplete

Add as-you-type address completion to any HTML form.


Install from NPM or CDN

npm install @getaddress/autocomplete
<script src="https://cdn.getaddress.io/scripts/getaddress-autocomplete-3.0.3.js"></script>


<label>First Address Line</label>
<input id="line1" type="text"> 
<label>Second Address Line</label> <input id="line2" type="text">
<label>Third Address Line</label> <input id="line3" type="text">
<label>Town</label> <input id="town" type="text">
<label>County</label> <input id="county" type="text">
<label>Postcode</label> <input id="postcode" type="text"> <script> const enableAutocomplete = async ()=> { const autocomplete = await getAddress.autocomplete( 'line1', 'API Key or Domain Token' ); autocomplete.addEventListener("getaddress-autocomplete-selected", function(e){ document.getElementById('line1').value = e.address.formatted_address[0]; document.getElementById('line2').value = e.address.formatted_address[1]; document.getElementById('line3').value = e.address.formatted_address[2]; document.getElementById('town').value = e.address.formatted_address[3]; document.getElementById('county').value = e.address.formatted_address[4]; document.getElementById('postcode').value = e.address.postcode; }) } enableAutocomplete(); </script>


document.addEventListener("getaddress-autocomplete-suggestions", function(e){

document.addEventListener("getaddress-autocomplete-suggestions-failed", function(e){

document.addEventListener("getaddress-autocomplete-selected", function(e){

document.addEventListener("getaddress-autocomplete-selected-failed", function(e){


    'API Key',
        delay:500, /* millisecond delay between keypress and API call */
        minimum_characters:2,  /* minimum characters to initiate an API call */
        suggestion_count:6, /* number of retreived suggestions (max 20) */
        item_template = "(suggestion)=>{"+
                   +"return `<div style='display:flex;' ><div class='ga-autocomplete-icon ga-autocomplete-location-icon'></div><div style='width:100%' >${suggestion.address}</div></div>`; " +
        + "}, /* Function that accepts a suggestion and returns a string  */"
        mobile_item_template: undefined , /* Function that accepts a suggestion and returns a string. If undefined, item_template is used.  */
        history_item_template: undefined , /* Function that accepts a suggestion and returns a string. If undefined, item_template is used.  */
        mobile_history_item_template: undefined , /* Function that accepts a suggestion and returns a string. If undefined, item_template is used.  */
        footer_template: undefined , /* Function that accepts an array of HTMLElements and returns a string.*/
        list_style: undefined , /* injected into the list's style attribute*/
        list_item_style: undefined , /* injected into each list items's style attribute*/
        mobile_list_item_style: undefined , /* injected into each mobile list items's style attribute*/
        history_list_item_style: undefined , /* injected into each history list items's style attribute*/
        enable_repositioning:true /* when true, list will automatically postion itself to the best fit*/
        highlight_search_text:false, /* if true, highlights matched suggestion text */
        suggestion_template:"<div><b>{formatted_address_0}</b></div><div>{formatted_address_1}{formatted_address_1,, }{formatted_address_2}{formatted_address_2,, }{formatted_address_3}{formatted_address_4,, }{formatted_address_4}{postcode,, }{postcode}</div>, /* the suggestion template (see Autocomplete API)*/
        filter:undefined, /* the suggestion filter (see Autocomplete API)*/
        enable_history:true, /* if true, suggestions near the last selected address are prioritised */
        full_screen_on_mobile:true, /* if true, opens full screen on mobile devices*/
        max_mobile_screen_width:500, /* max mobile screen width*/
        show_postcode:false /* always display postcode in suggestions*/

Full Screen on Mobile

When parameter 'full_screen_on_mobile' is set to true, Autocomplete will open in full screen on mobile devices.

await getAddress.autocomplete(
    'API Key',

Domain Tokens

To avoid exposing your API key in browser code, Domain Tokens can used in place of your API key.
Domain Tokens can be generated for a specific domain and it's sub-domains. They can also limit the number of look-ups per minute for an IP address.


CSS Variables

Customise the appearance by overriding css variables.

Name Default
––ga-autocomplete-list-background-color #fff
––ga-autocomplete-list-font-size 0.9em
––ga-autocomplete-list-bottom-margin-top 2px
––ga-autocomplete-list-bottom-margin-bottom 0
––ga-autocomplete-list-bottom-margin-left 0
––ga-autocomplete-list-bottom-margin-right 8px
––ga-autocomplete-list-right-margin-left 6px
––ga-autocomplete-list-right-margin-top auto
––ga-autocomplete-list-right-margin-right auto
––ga-autocomplete-list-right-margin-bottom auto
––ga-autocomplete-list-top-margin-left 6px
––ga-autocomplete-list-top-margin-right auto
––ga-autocomplete-list-top-margin-top auto
––ga-autocomplete-list-top-margin-bottom auto
––ga-autocomplete-list-left-margin-left 6px
––ga-autocomplete-list-left-margin-right auto
––ga-autocomplete-list-left-margin-top auto
––ga-autocomplete-list-left-margin-bottom auto
––ga-autocomplete-list-border-radus 12px
––ga-autocomplete-list-border-style solid
––ga-autocomplete-list-border-width 1px
––ga-autocomplete-list-border-color #ccc
––ga-autocomplete-list-z-index 2010
––ga-autocomplete-list-padding-top 12px
––ga-autocomplete-list-padding-bottom 12px
––ga-autocomplete-list-padding-right 0
––ga-autocomplete-list-padding-left 0
––ga-autocomplete-list-box-shadow 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2)
––ga-autocomplete-list-max-height 30em
––ga-autocomplete-list-overflow-y auto
––ga-autocomplete-list-item-hover-background-color #f3f3f3
––ga-autocomplete-list-item-hover-cursor pointer
––ga-autocomplete-list-item-hover-outline 0
––ga-autocomplete-list-item-focused-background-color #f3f3f3
––ga-autocomplete-list-item-focused-outline 0
––ga-autocomplete-mobile-z-index 9999
––ga-autocomplete-mobile-background-color #fefefe
––ga-autocomplete-mobile-margin-bottom 10px
––ga-autocomplete-mobile-margin-top 0
––ga-autocomplete-mobile-margin-right 0
––ga-autocomplete-mobile-margin-left 0
––ga-autocomplete-mobile-list-item-padding-top 5px
––ga-autocomplete-mobile-list-item-padding-bottom 5px
––ga-autocomplete-mobile-list-item-padding-right 0
––ga-autocomplete-mobile-list-item-padding-left 0
––ga-autocomplete-location-icon-color #EA4335
––ga-autocomplete-location-icon-font-familiy getAddress
––ga-autocomplete-location-history-item-color grey
––ga-autocomplete-location-padding-top 4
––ga-autocomplete-location-padding-bottom 2px
––ga-autocomplete-location-padding-left 0
––ga-autocomplete-location-padding-right 0

Add as-you-type address completion to any HTML form. Try it


Install from NPM or CDN

npm install getaddress-autocomplete
<script src="https://cdn.getaddress.io/scripts/getaddress-autocomplete-2.1.1.min.js"></script>


<label>First Address Line</label>
<input id="line1" type="text"> 
<label>Second Address Line</label> <input id="line2" type="text">
<label>Third Address Line</label> <input id="line3" type="text">
<label>Town</label> <input id="town" type="text">
<label>County</label> <input id="county" type="text">
<label>Postcode</label> <input id="postcode" type="text"> <script> const autocomplete = getAddress.autocomplete( 'line1', 'API Key or Domain Token' ); autocomplete.addEventListener("getaddress-autocomplete-address-selected", function(e){ document.getElementById('line1').value = e.address.formatted_address[0]; document.getElementById('line2').value = e.address.formatted_address[1]; document.getElementById('line3').value = e.address.formatted_address[2]; document.getElementById('town').value = e.address.formatted_address[3]; document.getElementById('county').value = e.address.formatted_address[4]; document.getElementById('postcode').value = e.address.postcode; }) </script>


document.addEventListener("getaddress-autocomplete-suggestions", function(e){

document.addEventListener("getaddress-autocomplete-suggestions-failed", function(e){

document.addEventListener("getaddress-autocomplete-address-selected", function(e){

document.addEventListener("getaddress-autocomplete-address-selected-failed", function(e){


    'API Key',
        id_prefix:'getAddress-autocomplete' ,  /* The id of the textbox and list container */
        css_prefix?:'getAddress_autocomplete'",  /* The class name prefix */
        delay:200, /* millisecond delay between keypress and API call */
        minimum_characters:2,  /* minimum characters to initiate an API call */
        clear_list_on_select:true, /* if true, clears list on suggestion selected */
        select_on_focus:true,  /* if true, highlights textbox characters on focus*/
        show_all_for_postcode:false, /* if true, shows all addresses for postcode*/
        show_all_for_postcode_text:'Show all..',  /* show all suggestion text*/
        alt_autocomplete_url:undefined,  /* alterative local autocomplete URL (when API key is not used) */
        alt_get_url:undefined,  /* alterative local get URL (when API key is not used) */
        input_class_names:[],  /* textbox class names */
        input_show_class_names:[],  /* textbox class names on show */
        list_class_names:[],  /* list class names */
        container_class_names:[], /* container class names */
        suggestion_class_names:[], /* suggestion class names */
        highlight_suggestion:true, /* if true, highlights matched suggestion text */
        highlight_suggestion_start_tag:'<b>',  /* highlighted suggestion text start tag */
        highlight_suggestion_end_tag:'</b>',  /* highlighted suggestion text end tag */
        list_width:undefined,   /* if true, set the list width */
        suggestion_count:6, /* number of retreived suggestions (max 20) */
        auto_calc_list_height:true,   /* if true, calculates the list's height */
        suggestion_template:undefined, /* the suggestion template (see Autocomplete API)*/
        filter:undefined, /* the suggestion filter (see Autocomplete API)*/
        input_focus_on_select:true,  /* if true, sets the focus to the textbox after selecting an address*/
        debug:false, /* if true, logs behavior */
        enable_get:true /* if true, retreives address on select */
        remember_last_search:true, /* if true, suggestions near the last selected address are prioritised */
        full_screen_on_mobile:true, /* if true, opens full screen on mobile devices*/
        max_mobile_screen_width:500, /* max mobile screen width*/
        full_screen_options:undefined, /* full screen display options*/
        show_postcode:false /* always display postcode in suggestions*/

Full Screen on Mobile

Full Screen on Mobile Options

    'API Key',
            id_prefix:'getAddress-autocomplete_modal',/*  The prefix added to all id's  */
            highlight_suggestion: false , /* if true, highlights matched suggestion text */
            highlight_suggestion_start_tag: undefined, /* highlighted suggestion text start tag */
            highlight_suggestion_end_tag: undefined, /* highlighted suggestion text end tag */
            suggestion_template: '<div><b>{formatted_address_0}</b></div>div>{formatted_address_1}{formatted_address_1,, }{formatted_address_2}{formatted_address_2,, }{formatted_address_3}{formatted_address_4,, }{formatted_address_4}{postcode,, }{postcode}</div>', /* the suggestion template (see Autocomplete API)*/
            remember_last_search: true, /* if true, stores last search */
            copy_text_on_open: true, /* if true, populates textbox on open */
            copy_text_on_close: true, /* if true, populates textbox on close */
            placeholder: undefined /* textbox placeholder */

Domain Tokens

To avoid exposing your API key in browser code, Domain Tokens can used in place of your API key.
Domain Tokens can be generated for a specific domain and it's sub-domains. They can also limit the number of look-ups per minute for an IP address.


Autocomplete using the Browser's native Datalist element. Try it


Install from NPM or CDN

npm install getaddress-autocomplete-native
<script src="https://cdn.getaddress.io/scripts/getaddress-autocomplete-native-2.2.1.min.js"></script>


<label>First Address Line</label>
<input id="line1" type="text"> 
<label>Second Address Line</label> <input id="line2" type="text">
<label>Third Address Line</label> <input id="line3" type="text">
<label>Town</label> <input id="town" type="text">
<label>County</label> <input id="county" type="text">
<label>Postcode</label> <input id="postcode" type="text"> <script> const autocomplete = getAddress.autocomplete( 'line1', 'API Key or Domain Token' ); autocomplete.addEventListener("getaddress-autocomplete-address-selected", function(e){ document.getElementById('line1').value = e.address.formatted_address[0]; document.getElementById('line2').value = e.address.formatted_address[1]; document.getElementById('line3').value = e.address.formatted_address[2]; document.getElementById('town').value = e.address.formatted_address[3]; document.getElementById('county').value = e.address.formatted_address[4]; document.getElementById('postcode').value = e.address.postcode; }) </script>


document.addEventListener("getaddress-autocomplete-suggestions", function(e){

document.addEventListener("getaddress-autocomplete-suggestions-failed", function(e){

document.addEventListener("getaddress-autocomplete-address-selected", function(e){

document.addEventListener("getaddress-autocomplete-address-selected-failed", function(e){


    'API Key',
        id_prefix:'getAddress-autocomplete-native' ,  /* The id of the textbox and list container */
        delay:100, /* millisecond delay between keypress and API call */
        minimum_characters:2,  /* minimum characters to initiate an API call */
        select_on_focus:true,  /* if true, highlights textbox characters on focus*/
        alt_autocomplete_url:undefined,  /* alterative local autocomplete URL (when API key is not used) */
        alt_get_url:undefined,  /* alterative local get URL (when API key is not used) */
        suggestion_count:6, /* number of retreived suggestions (max 20) */
        filter:undefined, /* the suggestion filter (see Autocomplete API)*/
        input_focus_on_select:true,  /* if true, sets the focus to the textbox after selecting an address*/
        debug:false, /* if true, logs behavior */
        enable_get:true, /* if true, retreives address on select */
        full_screen_on_mobile:true, /* if true, opens full screen on mobile devices*/
        max_mobile_screen_width:500, /* max mobile screen width*/
        full_screen_options:undefined, /* full screen display options*/
        show_postcode:false /* always display postcode in suggestions*/

Full Screen on Mobile

Full Screen on Mobile Options

    'API Key',
            id_prefix:'getAddress-autocomplete_modal',/*  The prefix added to all id's  */
            highlight_suggestion: false , /* if true, highlights matched suggestion text */
            highlight_suggestion_start_tag: undefined, /* highlighted suggestion text start tag */
            highlight_suggestion_end_tag: undefined, /* highlighted suggestion text end tag */
            suggestion_template: '<div><b>{formatted_address_0}</b></div>div>{formatted_address_1}{formatted_address_1,, }{formatted_address_2}{formatted_address_2,, }{formatted_address_3}{formatted_address_4,, }{formatted_address_4}{postcode,, }{postcode}</div>', /* the suggestion template (see Autocomplete API)*/
            remember_last_search: true, /* if true, stores last search */
            copy_text_on_open: true, /* if true, populates textbox on open */
            copy_text_on_close: true, /* if true, populates textbox on close */
            placeholder: undefined /* textbox placeholder */

Domain Tokens

To avoid exposing your API key in browser code, Domain Tokens can used in place of your API key.
Domain Tokens can be generated for a specific domain and it's sub-domains. They can also limit the number of look-ups per minute for an IP address.
