
JavaScript - Autocomplete

Add as-you-type address completion to any HTML form. Try it


Install from NPM or CDN

npm install getaddress-autocomplete
<script src="https://cdn.getaddress.io/scripts/getaddress-autocomplete-2.0.2.min.js"></script>


<label>First Address Line</label>
<input id="line1" type="text"> 
<label>Second Address Line</label> <input id="line2" type="text">
<label>Third Address Line</label> <input id="line3" type="text">
<label>Town</label> <input id="town" type="text">
<label>County</label> <input id="county" type="text">
<label>Postcode</label> <input id="postcode" type="text"> <script> const autocomplete = getAddress.autocomplete( 'line1', 'API Key or Domain Token' ); autocomplete.addEventListener("getaddress-autocomplete-address-selected", function(e){ document.getElementById('line1').value = e.address.formatted_address[0]; document.getElementById('line2').value = e.address.formatted_address[1]; document.getElementById('line3').value = e.address.formatted_address[2]; document.getElementById('town').value = e.address.formatted_address[3]; document.getElementById('county').value = e.address.formatted_address[4]; document.getElementById('postcode').value = e.address.postcode; }) </script>


document.addEventListener("getaddress-autocomplete-suggestions", function(e){

document.addEventListener("getaddress-autocomplete-suggestions-failed", function(e){

document.addEventListener("getaddress-autocomplete-address-selected", function(e){

document.addEventListener("getaddress-autocomplete-address-selected-failed", function(e){


    'API Key',
        id_prefix:'getAddress-autocomplete' ,  /* The id of the textbox and list container */
        css_prefix?:'getAddress_autocomplete'",  /* The class name prefix */
        delay:200, /* millisecond delay between keypress and API call */
        minimum_characters:2,  /* minimum characters to initiate an API call */
        clear_list_on_select:true, /* if true, clears list on suggestion selected */
        select_on_focus:true,  /* if true, highlights textbox characters on focus*/
        show_all_for_postcode:false, /* if true, shows all addresses for postcode*/
        show_all_for_postcode_text:'Show all..',  /* show all suggestion text*/
        alt_autocomplete_url:undefined,  /* alterative local autocomplete URL (when API key is not used) */
        alt_get_url:undefined,  /* alterative local get URL (when API key is not used) */
        input_class_names:[],  /* textbox class names */
        input_show_class_names:[],  /* textbox class names on show */
        list_class_names:[],  /* list class names */
        container_class_names:[], /* container class names */
        suggestion_class_names:[], /* suggestion class names */
        highlight_suggestion:true, /* if true, highlights matched suggestion text */
        highlight_suggestion_start_tag:'<b>',  /* highlighted suggestion text start tag */
        highlight_suggestion_end_tag:'</b>',  /* highlighted suggestion text end tag */
        list_width:undefined,   /* if true, set the list width */
        suggestion_count:6, /* number of retreived suggestions (max 20) */
        auto_calc_list_height:true,   /* if true, calculates the list's height */
        suggestion_template:undefined, /* the suggestion template (see Autocomplete API)*/
        filter:undefined, /* the suggestion filter (see Autocomplete API)*/
        input_focus_on_select:true,  /* if true, sets the focus to the textbox after selecting an address*/
        debug:false, /* if true, logs behavior */
        enable_get:true /* if true, retreives address on select */
        remember_last_search:true, /* if true, suggestions near the last selected address are prioritised */
        full_screen_on_mobile:true, /* if true, opens full screen on mobile devices*/
        max_mobile_screen_width:500, /* max mobile screen width*/
        full_screen_options:undefined /* full screen display options*/

Full Screen on Mobile

Full Screen on Mobile Options

    'API Key',
            id_prefix:'getAddress-autocomplete_modal',/*  The prefix added to all id's  */
            highlight_suggestion: false , /* if true, highlights matched suggestion text */
            highlight_suggestion_start_tag: undefined, /* highlighted suggestion text start tag */
            highlight_suggestion_end_tag: undefined, /* highlighted suggestion text end tag */
            suggestion_template: '<div><b>{formatted_address_0}</b></div>div>{formatted_address_1}{formatted_address_1,, }{formatted_address_2}{formatted_address_2,, }{formatted_address_3}{formatted_address_4,, }{formatted_address_4}{postcode,, }{postcode}</div>', /* the suggestion template (see Autocomplete API)*/
            remember_last_search: true, /* if true, stores last search */
            copy_text_on_open: true, /* if true, populates textbox on open */
            copy_text_on_close: true, /* if true, populates textbox on close */
            placeholder: undefined /* textbox placeholder */

Domain Tokens

To avoid exposing your API key in browser code, Domain Tokens can used in place of your API key.
Domain Tokens can be generated for a specific domain and it's sub-domains. They can also limit the number of look-ups per minute for an IP address.
